
Pigment Violet 4

Name:C.I.Pigment Violet 4,C.I.42510:2

Molecular Structure: triarylmethane

C.I.Pigment Violet 4,C.I.42510:2,CAS 1325-80-0,337.85,C20H20ClN3,Permanent Fusia Toner

C.I.Pigment Violet 4,C.I.42510:2,CAS 1325-80-0,337.85,C20H20ClN3,Permanent Fusia Toner

Molecular Formula:C20H20ClN3

Molecular Weight: 337.85

CAS Registry Number:1325-80-0

Manufacturing Methods :(a) aniline, o-Toluidine and p-Toluidine hydrochloride and its mixture and 1-Nitrobenzene, or 1-Nitrobenzene and 1-Methyl-2-nitrobenzene mixture in iron and Zinc chloride, the presence of heating, reoccupy phosphorus molybdenum acid lake change; (b)  aniline, o-Toluidine and p-Toluidine mixture and Arsenic acid heating, reoccupy phosphorus molybdenum acid lake change.

Properties and Applications:brilliant purple. Soluble in water for light grey purple, soluble in ethanol for purple. In concentrated sulfuric acid for with brown, dilution for red meat. Dye aqueous solution to join sodium hydroxide have light red precipitation.

Light Fastness Heat resistance(℃ ) Sodium carbonate(5%) Muriatic acid(5%) Oleic acid PVC migration Soap micelle bleeding
Melting point Stable
General Good Poor Well Serious

List of Suppliers:

Permanent Fusia Toner (Ridgeway Color & Chemical Division)

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