
Pigment Red 82

Name:C.I.Pigment Red 82,C.I.45150:1

Molecular Structure: Xanthene

C.I.Pigment Red 82,C.I.45150:1,CAS 110927-51-1,387.45,C24H23N2O3+

C.I.Pigment Red 82,C.I.45150:1,CAS 110927-51-1,387.45,C24H23N2O3+

Molecular Formula:C24H23N2O3+

Molecular Weight: 387.45

CAS Registry Number:110927-51-1

Manufacturing Methods :3-(Diethylamino)phenol and Phthalic anhydride condensation, its product and the weight of the aniline hydrochloride heating, in 185 ~ 190 ℃ keep 1.5 ~ 2 hours, and then using phosphorus molybdenum acid lake change.

Properties and Applications:brilliant red. Soluble in water and ethanol with red fluorescence red purple. In concentrated sulfuric acid for light yellow, red after diluted with fluorescent solution. Pigment solution to join hydrochloric acid for yellow C.I.Basic Red 8 the same as the chemical structure (phosphotungstic molybdate).

Light Fastness Heat resistance(℃ ) Sodium carbonate(5%) Muriatic acid(5%) Oleic acid PVC migration Soap micelle bleeding
Melting point Stable
GoodGeneral Good to 150(Micro-brown) Well unchanging Well Bleeding

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